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Monday, November 15, 2021

2011-08-17 Chicago, IL

Finally onto night 3 of Chicago 2011

8/17/11 Chicago

Set 1

Ok, I'm nearing the set break and so far this has been the least impressive set of the run. That is saying a lot considering it is still an extremely strong 2011 first set. Terrific song choice - Serious A for effort here - but the playing is on the rusty/hesitant side tonight.

No out and out blunders or anything, but Trey's fingers have some "sticky" moments and on the whole things don't feel as if they gel as effortlessly as the previous 2 shows.

That being said, while everythings has been "base-level-2011-excellent", the genuine highlights of the set have been:

Divided Sky (Just. KEEPS. GOOOOIIINNNNGGG!!!!!!!!)
Bathtub Gin (Jam was slightly by numbers, but it was still amazing)

Those 3 are probably all you REALLY need of set 1.

A+ for effort for opening with damn Forbinbird, but it wasn't that good of a version. Again, A for effort because 1- hard song, 2- OPENER, 3- extreme rarity.
Major leniency for that but that still doesn't make it all that good. :)

Great Cavern to round out this set and a world-destroying First Tube to close it!



 Crosseyed and Painless>
Several minutes of gorgeous Type II ambiance>
No Quarter

Yes! The X Factor from the previous nights returns!!!

You HAVE to hear that transition into No Quarter - it was slow, and perfect and flawless!




8/17/11 Chicago #3

Ok, where to begin.

This was an incredibly odd show. This is probably the kind of show was absolutely balls-to-the-wall incredible to be at in person, but doesn't translate great to listening.

Set 1 had its awesome moments as I mentioned before, but set 2 was...

I don't know if it was good or just weird or if it sucked or was amazing.

For those that are unaware, I'm dubbing this The Medley Show

Set 2 was like 1 giant medley of songs strung together. 3 minutes of Ghost, 3 minutes of Caspian, Sleep tossed in there, a Tweeprise....

It was like they couldn't decide what they felt like playing and kept switching songs constantly.

The novelty factor ran out quickly for me.

Crosseyed>No Quarter>Timber>Tweezer>Prince Caspian (3 minutes!)>Piper

Now THAT was spectacular. If there's something to grab from this show, do NOT pass this sequence and set 1's Gumbo!!!!!!

Now, the rest of set 2...Dank Sinatra, anyone? LOL.

It was FUN as hell, I'll give it that, but while listening it just got annoying. I was just waiting for it to be over - started getting sick from all the transitions....

Ghost (3 MINUTES)>Makisupa>Sleep>Buffalo Bill>Golgi Apparatus (WORST VERSION EVER)

That sequence of Ghost through Golgi was maybe the most painful 20 minutes ever. It felt like 40..... :p

Granted, the following Antelope was SPECTACULAR, but Funky B and Show of Life were too little too late to save this crooked ship.

Freaking odd gig, man. A+ for out-of-the-box Phish fun and antics, but C+ for a listening experience, lol. 


 8/17 Chicago (Would've been INCREDIBLE in person. Set 2 is SEGUE HEAVEN. TOTAL PARTY. Not a great listen but as a party its TOP NOTCH! :D )
Divided Sky
Bathtub Gin
Crosseyed and Painless (TYPE II AMBIANCE)
>Timber (THAT SEGUE!, VOL. 2)
>Makisupa Policeman (PAGES HOUSE)
Run Like an Antelope


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