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 Howdy folks! As the title says, welcome to my archive of live show reviews as I have posted on the Steve Hoffman Music Forums website! I pr...

Monday, November 15, 2021

2011-12-30 New York City, NY

That was a great show!! More than made up for the doldrums of 12/29/11

Great set tonight, tons of energy, but a prevalence of flubs and lack of extended jamming (INCREDIBLE Piper aside) prevent me from rating this higher.

This show felt like the Detroit show from the summer - Awesome on paper with awesome moments throughout but never really peaking into "classic" territory.

Just an awesome all-around show in the simplest of terms.

The Piper from this show is definitely going on my "Jams Of The Year" list for 2011.

Again, not classic, but still a really, really good show. :)

A very strong A- rating from me

12/30 New York City (Really great show but not classic, ala Detroit. GET THAT FRIGGIN PIPER HOLY FREAKING HELL!!!)
Punch You in the Eye
Prince Caspian (2nd slot! Great jam!)
>Number Line
Divided Sky
Sand (FIRST SET! Short but HOT!)
Vultures (TERRIFIC!)
Quinn the Eskimo
Piper (15 minutes! Type II spazzed out space funk. Dissolves into ambiance. INSANE WHALE SIREN FUNK AMBIANCE. SOUNDS LIKE 2000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONE OF THE JAMS OF THE YEAR!!!)
>Twist (AWESOME Type I!)
David Bowie
Squirming Coil
Good Times Bad Times (RIPS!)


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