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Monday, November 15, 2021

2019-02-22 Quintana Roo, MX

Onwards to 2/22/19, Mexico #2

Awesome to get a YEM opener. Worth noting but not a highlight, imo - It was fine and there were no mistakes, but the guys didn't have the chance to build up a head of steam before it. You need some oomph and some gusto in your YEM and this one was a bit on the relaxed side.

A for song selection but not a special version. :)

Turtle In the Clouds was pretty great - helps that this is my favorite KV song and I love hearing it. I debated putting this on my highlights list but I think it rages just hard enough to warrant inclusion.

46 Days - it's 46 Days, yo. It destroys worlds. Its the same as always :p On to the list it goes! :p

So far up into No Men In No Man's Land. The song had a slightly less-than-smooth start but at about 3:30 in they start the jamming. Let's see where we go... 

Ooooohhhh just when I thought this No Men was gonna be a by-the-numbers funk workout, they dissolve into uptempo dark space jamming.

Dark synths and Trey reaching for the sky with sustained notes, a frantic drum pattern holding it together. True Type II. Very 1999 kind of stuff.












Ok, finishing up set 2 of 2/22/19 Mexico #2 right now.

I enjoyed this show very much but I thought it was more ramshackle than the first night. The first night just had flow out the wazoo!
This one sees them trying very, very hard - sometimes succeeding, sometimes not really. But strong A for effort.

Another great setlist tonight. Since my last post and the epic Tube-of-all-Tubes:

Shade - good but nothing worth revisiting
Saw It Again - not the biggest fan of this song but it's like an "alternate" Carini type of dark-jam song so I'll take it. Very good jam on this one.

Set Your Soul Free - 26 minutes of awesome. The best jamming of the night, not just because of the length. Multi-sectional and makes use of its extended runtime. Mandatory listening, imo

Mercury - I'm a Mercury nut and this one wasn't that great. Skip the rusty song portion and jump to the 15 or 16 minute mark for the goods to get going. It felt like it took a while for the jamming to coalesce into anything major but once it did...oh boy oh boy oh boy!!!! At that point it turns into something out of 1997 - Guitar Histrionics 101 :p From there to the finish line, those 6 or 7 minutes are primo-supremo jamming of the most raging kind. If like Trey murdering his Languedoc, jump on this!!!

Slave to the Traffic Light - good peak (but what Slave doesn't?!) but not a very notable version imo. Nice to hear but not a highlight.

Possum - is Possum (read: hot)

Sanity - Great to hear, strong version imo.

Walk Away - Ho-lee-Guitar-God-Batman. This sucker delivers (thank goodness!!!). Grab this, pronto!!

More - encore. I like the song, but come on, man, gonna close with this?

On the whole, a great show anyone would be stoked to see. Not as good as (as a complete listening experience) night 1 but the best of tonight (SYSF, Walk Away, Mercury, Tube, NM's Land) might best the best of night 1!!! 


2/22/19 Quintana Roo, MX (YEM opener! Incredible jamming, but the show as a whole doesn't really coalesce. Great show but not a perfect package)
Turtle In the Clouds
46 Days (Ripping!)
NMINM's Land (Awesome. Dissolves into dark space. Freaking awesome ambient funk.)
Tube (Freaking awesome ambient funk, 2.0. Trey loves delay! One of the best Tube's ever. EXCEPTIONAL.)
Mercury (22 minutes. A+ for effort. Song is rusty but the energy is there. Jam doesnt really take off til 15 or 16 min. Cue 1997 Guitar Histrionics Freakout Jam. INSANE.)

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