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 Howdy folks! As the title says, welcome to my archive of live show reviews as I have posted on the Steve Hoffman Music Forums website! I pr...

Monday, November 15, 2021

2019-06-18 Toronto, CAN

6/18/19 Toronto - Set 1

So here we are at the LOWEST rated show for the year on .NET (a paltry 2.8!)
Let's see how it goes!

AC/DC Bag - Great opener as always. Nothing remotely special about this one, but great to kick off the gig.

555 - The song portion is just ok. I like 555 but this one felt like it dragged and could've used a boost in the energy/tempo department.

Ocelot - Tries real hard but is slightly flubtastic. Very nice ultra-chill jam though. Very, very smoooootttthhhhhh. Slowly builds a nice head of steam and peaks hard.

Sample In a Jar - The last 2 minutes or so are guitar rape of the best kind. Finally some OOMPH goin' on! :) Not enough to make this a major highlight, but it was nice to hear!

Stash - Goes Type II bliss right out the friggin' gate. Very nice little microjam before returning to the main themes of the song. It ain't much, but I'll take it!

The Wedge - Great to hear. Very fine rendition. Pretty hot actually.

Frost - Extremely nice. Sure it doesn't help having such a chill tune at this point in such a sleepy set, but this is just lovely.

Halley's Comet - Extremely sleepy rendition. Odd to hear one that is not full of spunky energy! Eventually they wake up and the fun sprightliness you expect enters the song. Page breaks out the Clavinet, etc etc But JUST as it gets going, we get a full 30 seconds of Trey tearing it up before they kill it dead in its tracks. WTF, MATE?!

>Ruby Waves - Debut!!! And that was definitely a planned segue! Ah yes, the shot in the arm this set needed. Jumps immediately into Type II jam land with some Soul Planet-delay slashes. They play around for a bit before Trey starts doing some nice legato stretches with Fish adding a frantic beat and Page slowly working in those synths. Very cohesive sounding. Eventually Trey hangs back and lets take center for a bit. Cool key flourishes and stabs. But everyone is playing together, really. This jam is as good as anything we got at Bonnaroo (meaning downright excellent!!). Long story short, GET THIS SUCKER!!! ITS A FACE MELTING JAW DROPPER!!!!

Lawn Boy - Odd placement imo but always nice to hear. Like Cavern, Lawn Boy is just Lawn Boy (unless we are talking Bakers Dozen!) :p

You Enjoy Myself - Terrific energy on this. Lawn Boy was a breather but the fire lit during Ruby Waves is still alight! Let it tip Trey! Mike even gets in on the action with a TASTY bass solo. Hell yes. Great way to redeem the set :)

On to set 2. I now see why this has such a low rating, lol. The all-out energy of the shows prior just is not there tonight. I don't want to say they sound tired but, man, they are dragging quite a bit. The set builds more steam significantly after Frost, but really just grab the epic Ruby Waves and the YEM and you are probably set for this set.  


Set 2

Plasma - The boys get down to business quickly with an unexpected Plasma! Starts to explore some nice textures and areas but comes to an end too soon. 7 minutes when it shoulda been 15 :) Still worth your time!

>The Final Hurrah - CHECK OUT THAT FLAWLESS SEGUE!!!! Beautiful ambient bliss Type II. Chill and gorgeous. Very cool when the beat picks up and Page jumps on the piano and Trey goes for the Leslie. Really unique jamming. Trey hits upon a cool descending note progression and Page starts chording it up behind him. Extremely cool bit but unfortunately they kill it off right after. Things proceed to head for darkness with reverse guitar effects before coming to a halt.

>Wingsuit - And into Wingsuit we go!!! I don't like that they killed the jam in TFH, but they at least lead us to Wingsuit instead of ripcording us into it :) Let it rip, Trey!!! Always love to hear Wingsuit. Very Pink Floyd to me. GET IT BIG RED!!! He takes his time and we get several peaks and valleys full of slowly building intensity. Very, very COOL. YO THIS WINGSUIT IS FREAKING MAGICAL

>Golden Age - The winning streak continues. A beautiful and slightly ambient dance party bliss fest. Lots of sustained leads from Trey with spunky piano and rhythms behind him. Absolutely worth every minute of it 16 minute run time.

>I Always Wanted It This Way - Nice and wacky! Great, unexpected song choice to come out of Golden Age. A strong version, imo.

>Prince Caspian - IAWITW started winding things down from the mayhem before but was still spunky enough to warrant a highlight merit in my book. This Caspian is fine but is nothing worth mentioning :)

>If I Could - Ah yes my favorite underappreciated classic!!!!! I would love to get this at a show. This goes on the list for rarity alone, regardless of how good it is (and it is good!) So relaxingly perfect, holy hell. Melts my heart!

>46 Days - Heck yes, let rip boys. Not the craziest ever, but for this show it rocks us good :D

Drift While You're Sleeping - Not what you'd expect as a closer. I would've chosen something else, but I love this song so I can take it. :)


I would rate this show a 3.7 or 3.8 - something like that. Set 1 was definitely not up to snuff aside from some small highlights and that MAJORLY AWESOME Ruby Waves Debut
Set 2 was totally unexpected! Almost the whole set was a highlight if you can deal with having something "different" for a change.

If you're looking for a "unique" show to check out, I would give this a listen. Totally worth your time 


6/18/19 Toronto, CAN (Set 1 is not great...Grab Ruby Waves though! Set 2 is very unique and totally worth your time!)
Ocelot (Extremely SMOOTH and chill jam. VERY nice)
Stash (Goes Type II bliss right out of the gate. Short, but I'll take it!)
Frost (Just LOVELY)
Plasma (Short but very sweet)
>The Final Hurrah (PERFECT SEGUE! GORGEOUS Type II bliss festival!!!)
>Golden Age (16 minute Type II Dance party! Sticking with bliss mostly. Awesome.)
>I Always Wanted It This Way (Wacky. Perfect out of GA)
If I Could (Stunning and wonderful to hear!!!! Heart melting!)
Drift While You're Sleeping (Unexpected but nice closer)

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