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Monday, November 15, 2021

2019-06-21 Charlotte, NC

In the wake of the 48 minute Soul Planet, I return to 2019 instead :p

Onwards to 6/21/19, Charlotte, NC
I've actually been to this venue so I can finally "relate" to a show for once, lol

Set 1:

Have Mercy - 1st HM since the Baker's Dozen and only the 16th ever played at this point. Not my favorite song, but great to have a feel-good little opener to ease everyone in. Kinda like when the Dead would open with a chill Let The Good Times Roll or something. Nice.

Gotta Jibboo - Great Type I, nothing special, but I love Jibboo and am always stoked to have it on a setlist :)

Free - Gonna admit it - come at me - this is "just another first set" Free. That means its hot and nicely played but pretty boring if you are reaching saturation point with first-set Frees!!! :p Very nice but not worth mentioning. See Jibboo.

Ginseng Sullivan - Is Ginseng Sullivan

Tweezer - OOH!! First set surprise, eh?! Immediately goes chill-funk Type II. Cool stop-start jam section. From there it slowly morphs into a Page-led, upbeat, blissful kind of sound for a good while. The guys hit some phrases and repeat them, working them out for a bit. Great stuff!! Wonderful Type II!! Another case of the "microjam" phenomenon I kept hearing about??

>Passing Through - Talk about the most did-not-see-that-coming segue ever!! I did not realize at all they had left Tweezer until the vocals began! Very nice jam that feels like a continuation of Tweezer. Great duo!!

Ya Mar - Not a very good version, imo. Some nice playing from Leo and Trey, but they rhythms are all over the place and playing-wise they don't really lock in until the song is almost over.

Mercury - My favorite 3.0 tune 'fer shure. I can't get enough of this song. It's just wonderful :p In the pre-Sigma Oasis days of non-album-song-compiling, this was a go-to version for me as far as "album-ready" versions go. A terrifically well played, straight-ahead, Type I kind of Mercury. Rosemont 2018 won out in the end for me but this was tied with it for a while. :)

>TWEEZER JAM! - While it's unfortunate that they straight up ripcorded Mercury, it's redeemable that they go back into Tweezer out of nowhere for a solid minute and a half. Gotta love these WTF moments and I'll take whatever ones they wanna toss our way!

>Say It To Me SANTOS - And into set closer we go! Talk about another unexpected segue, lmao. Just when we thought Mercury/Tweezer was fading to a proper conclusion, they switch it up and launch into Santos. Awesome. Clunky, but awesome! And speaking of awesome, who doesn't love a rocking SANTOS to close the set? C'mon now folks, let's do this!

Overall, Set 1 gets a strong B+ from me. There are strong highlights sprinkled throughout, but on the whole it felt a bit haphazard and not knowing what way to go tonight. A for effort though. I'd rate it higher but the fact remains that shows immediately proceeding this one brought the heat way higher in their first sets, so...Gotta love the goods, but tonights goods were not as good as the goods from a few nights ago, make sense? No? Who cares anyways. :p

On to set 2!  


Runaway Jim - 20 min, Type II. Very nice, but I've heard 20 minutes used much better, lol. A for effort!! The last 5 or 6 minutes get pretty cookin', but this was a jam that felt like they didn't know what they wanted to do and just vamped for 15 minutes before hitting some good stuff, lol. But those last 5 minutes go OUT THERE! You can hear Scents coming from a mile away but the jam to it is PURE space psychedelia, MANDATORY listening. Very, very weird and unsettling!!! Somehow Trey reintroduces Jim and they morph back into another chorus!!! And it almost kinda works, lol. A very interesting experimental Jim.

>Scents and Subtle Sounds -
Short but great jamming. 'Nuff said! Trey ripcords the budding jam into....


>Sand - And out of that tiny little Tweezer teaser, Trey steers us again into another direction. Make up your friggin' mind!! :p FINALLY THE GUYS LOCK IT IN AND TEAR THE ROOF OFF THE PLACE!!! SPECTACULAR SAND!!!!!


Take a deep breath....woah nelly that was insane in the membrane...

Lifeboy - Gorgeous, rare, and always welcome!

A Song I Head the Ocean Sing - Wow, BOTH Undermind heavy hitters in the same show!! I always want them to slam into this one but they NEVER get the intro down pat :( Ah well, what's here is 10 minutes of dark and groovy aquatic descension. Awesome stuff. We get an incredible jam with Trey reaching back to the aforementioned greatest-ever Sand (well, besides Big Cypress :p ) . Another homerun, boys. Just when we are headed for bliss heaven though, Trey guides us into Taste....

Taste - A strong version. Nice to hear! Nothing special at all, just very well played with lots of energy :)

>20 Years Later -
Pretty nice little chill version. Trey busts out the effects and gives us some tasty soloing, but as a whole the song sounds slightly tired/underrehearsed. Worth checking out Trey mangling his guitar but on the whole not the songs definitive version.

Possum/Have Mercy Reprise - Awesome Possum! Goes into a cool chill section and the guys break back into Have Mercy before lighting up again. Worth checking out. Stupendous set closer!

More - Is More

Tweeprise - Is Tweeprise

All in all, I'll give this show a strong B+, probably a 3.8-4.0 rating on .NET. Some very strong highs, but lots of dips between. :)


6/21/19 Charlotte (Set 1 has some great peaks but is also very haphazard. Set 2 is wacky with weird Type II and unexpected segues. SAND IS ONE OF THE GREATEST EVER PLAYED. NO JOKE.)
Gotta Jibboo (Great Type I, hot peak!)
Tweezer (1st set surprise! Short but wonderful Type II!!!)
>Passing Through (Wow! Unexpected segue! Wonderful jam)
Mercury (The song is performed studio-perfect. Really great Type I version. Really, REALLY great version!!!!!!)
>Tweezer Jam (!!!)
>SANTOS (Rip roaring set closer).
Runaway Jim (19 min Type II beast! Not the most amazing jam, but the final 5 minutes is space fun)
>Scents and Subtle Sounds (Short but great jamming!)
A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing (See Sand :) )
Possum>Have Mercy Reprise

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