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 Howdy folks! As the title says, welcome to my archive of live show reviews as I have posted on the Steve Hoffman Music Forums website! I pr...

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

2019-06-23 Columbia, MD

6/23/19 Columbia, MD

Set 1

Carini - Awesome to get it as an opener!!! Type II Rager!!!! Trey ripcords us into My Soul

My Soul - Freaking sweet version. Really kills

Rift - Wow! A late 3.0 Rift that Trey doesnt butcher!!!! Awesome energy and worthy of having been played. The boys done it good this night :)

Gumbo - VERY Sick!! Gurgly underwater jamming going on. EXTREMELY funky. Holy crap.

It's Ice - Valiant effort, but alas tonight was not the night. Strong version for this point in time, but pretty flubtastic in a couple parts. Nice try. Pretty funky little Clavinet jam though!

Winterqueen - I feel like this is underplayed as hell, I can't even remember the last time I've heard the song. Absolutely GORGEOUS version that reeks of Bird Song worship. Total Dead in Disguise :)

Yarmouth Road - SICK. Let's get it, yo!! Seriously, this one funks hard and everyone is LOCKED in good. Awesome, awesome version!

Shade - Is Shade. Very nice but nothing special

Halfway Home - Debut and only performance. Good stuff! Wouldn't mind hearing this one again. For a debut it sounded pretty tight and I felt like there was potential to be had. Guitar god fun from Trey and the rest of the band are hittin' it hard! Actually, this was pretty great - can't believe this is the only performance! They knock it out of the park!

The Wedge - Love the Wedge but this one is a sleeper like the previous night's NICU. Nice but drags a bit.

Run Like an Antelope -
Hits some interesting peaks and spots in the jam making it different than your typical "boring 3.0 Set Closer Antelope" :p

Awesome set for the most part. :) 


Set 2

Crosseyed and Painless - The Type II Funk Monster you expect it to be. Sick as heck. Goes from intense rocking to blissful ambience of the heavens to deep-sea murkiness! A must-hear jam, imo. Lots of ground covered and the transitions from one section to the next are smooth and flawless! Wonderful piece of music!

>Everything's Right - Terrible segue out of the way, the song itself is a just-ok version. Great jam again in this that goes in a number of different directions. A bit of funk, a bit of ambience, a bit of bliss, a bit of everything. Eventually they circle around and reintroduce Crosseyed vocally. Pretty cool to get the theme reprised. Eventually after 16 minutes of pretty good but slightly aimless (imo) Type II, the go into....

>Ruby Waves - Aww yea, good rocking version. Around 3 minutes in the Type II starts with those Soul Planet delay effects and some warpy sounding keyboard (?) sounds. We are on a rocket into outer space, yo. We keep it full speed ahead for several spacey minutes. Around 8 min in, the ambient bliss begins to appear out of the deep space fog. Drifting lazily through space on our rocket, Trey seems lost for a bit, eventually finding a new sound with some ring modulation-type effects around the 10:30 point. Fishman then introduces some different beats and Page picks up on this, swirling around his piano, leading Trey to return to riff land. Out comes the clavinet to funk it up a bit. Some stop-start action and some "WOO!" audience interaction follows....

>Twist - AND HOW ABOUT THAT FLAWLESS SEGUE!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO INDEED!! Pretty chill and Latin-y version tonight. Some cool octave-type effects from Trey. This version isnt the longest around, but it is EXTREMELY dynamic, with the boys going back and forth from whisper-quiet to stadium-WOO loud :) Great little 8 minute diversion!!!

>2001 - Perfect segue fest continues. Pretty darn funky, but way too short. C'mon, man! Give us another Charlotte '99 or Great Went 2001! No more of this sub-10 minute BS! In the end it ends up being "Just another 3.0 2001", in a good way.

>Blaze On - Yay, my least favorite Phish song...Ok, enough from me! The song portion of this is excellent. Studio-album ready! Really great energy on this. Really, really terrific Type I group playing on this. Locked in and kickin' tail!! Seriously, Guitar God Trey graces us with his awesomeness!!!

Maze - Not Maze's finest hour for Trey. Leo does his best to makes this Maze kill, but Trey is just playing too darn softly!! He lets off some nice leads, but after 5 minutes of lukewarm (instead of melt-your-face-hot) Maze, it's too little too late. Trey butchers the ending "You'll never get out of this maze" section, out of time with the other guys, clearly having forgotten the pattern, lol. All in all, love to hear Maze but this was just OK.

Waste - NOT A WASTE OF TIME :D Wonderful version with a bonkers guitar solo from Trey

SANITY - OUT OF FRIGGIN NOWHERE. WHAT. Sanity is Sanity, but mega points for bustout status. :)

Wilson - See Maze. For such a simple song, it sounds underrehearsed. Also, kinda odd as show closer. They definitely peaked earlier in the gig. Not a great version.

All in all, 3/4 of this show was sick, but a few songs were..."less than".

:) I'd give it a 4.0 rating probably





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