Anywho, it's an absolutely GORGEOUS day here today. About 55
degrees and full sunshine. Normally I'd be at the park with my acoustic
on a day like this (no work this afternoon) but I jammed for about an
hour before I left home so I quenched that thirst.
In Starbucks for the afternoon just to get out of the house and I'm finally at the legendary Dick's 2012
I've never wanted a show to live up to the hype as much as this one, haha. If I'm not blown away I will be bummed
But enough babble! Onwards we go!!
8/31/12 Commerce City, CO
Set 1 -
First Tube - When was the last FT opener? I'm sure there was one
recently (in 2012) but I can't recall when. For the sake of not ending
up highlighting everything (
), I'll say this opening First Tube is great but nothing we haven't
heard elsewhere. Great stuff, terrific way to bust open the doors on a
show. Love the energy and the crowd is reacting to it audibly.
Uncle Pen - Fantastic! Great solos from everyone, including two bass solos! This is the first one since 2010 and only the 4th of 3.0 so far.
Carini - Ok, first big-leaguer of the night! Let's go! By 7
minutes, it has been raging hard and has already been through the usual
level of darkness you expect out of an early 3.0 Carini. But by this
point it shifts into uplifting, blissful jamming for a good while.
Everyone feel the good vibes, haha (who would ever think I'd say that
during a Carini?!) Great part around 8 minutes where everyone syncs up -
Page, Trey and Mike all hit upon a repeating motif and jam it out
pretty good. By 9 minutes nobody is really soloing on top - they are
playing together as one and it's pretty damn excellent. Trey
starts playing with his pedal effects and it sounds like he's searching
where to go. At 10 minutes it sounds like the boys have reached a
typical conclusion and I can guarantee you that if this was any other
show, this is the point where Trey would've moved them onto something
else. But thankfully instead, he pushes onwards like a good 1.0 jam and keeps it going!!! Some ambience creeps in (bass echoes!!!) and then Fish and Trey start doing a great rhythmic kind of pulse-based
jam. Eventually Page takes over the pulse and Trey let's it rip,
getting in the first almost-shredding of the night. This goes for a
driftless minute or so before the jam dies it's death finally with the
usual minute or so of ambience we have come to expect from 2012 jams. This
is a weird jam - it's not very cohesive. There is great stuff happening
at moments and it feels like they are trying to go "next level" but
falling short. Actually kinda frustrating. It's a bit scatterbrained. I
don't want to say I'm disappointed by this Carini, but maybe I need to
lower my expectations....
>Kill Devil Falls - Did anyone figure out the setlist gag by this point? The
song itself is hot as always but Trey sounds a little out of it at
times almost having arrangement problems. Not best version of the actual
song. I do love the great jamming that starts around 3:45 though when
they start "whispering" the chorus and playing at a more subdued pace!!
Very cool and dynamic! It allows them to build to a peak rather than
"blowing their load", so to speak, right from the start. Great call,
guys! By 6 minutes we are into the typical KDF Type I Rage Fest we all
expect. And they carry that out to the end. Great version, but like
First Tube it's really nothing we haven't heard before. Nothing wrong,
but nothing noteworthy at all.
After this there is some nice banter from Page followed by the crowd roaring "WE LOVE DICKS! WE LOVE DICKS! "
You Enjoy Myself - So who the hell expected YEM so early in the
first set, eh? I'm sure in person that knocked people out!!!! Trey
sounds well-practiced, and I gotta say this YEM has knocked the level of
the show up quite a bit from "things seem normal so far" to "ok, something special is going on " For real though, the composed song-portion of this is performed really, really good tonight!!!!!
By 12 minutes, this YEM is raging hard as expected. One of the best
true bass solos I've ever heard Gordo shred out. And into the Vocal jam
at 15:30. As with Drums/Space on Dead shows, I usually always skip the
YEM vocal jam unless I have some special reason not to. Tonight's "we all love dick's" series of chants is the reason not to.
little shorter than maybe expected for a YEM, but an absolutely
TOP-NOTCH reading of the song!! Absolutely LOADED with piss 'n' vinegar,
and a flawless reading of the complicated sections to boot. Terrific!
So far in the show, the first four songs sounded "tentative", so
to speak. Nothing poor or anything, but nothing special at all, really,
despite Carini trying REALLY FREAKING HARD (A+ for effort on that one!!)
and Uncle Pen having some great soloing. The "vibe" was
Not right. But with this You Enjoy Myself, I don't know what the hell
happenned, but the VIBE has been fixed and things are as they should be.
It feels like a switch was flipped, like they were nervous but have
finally settled in and shaken off the nerves. Or something like that.
Very interesting. I mean, the first four songs had me going "Oh no, this
isn' going as expected". But YEM has totally reversed that. Thank.
Ocelot - Yes, thank you lord, the "vibe switch" was not a fluke....Absolutely
wonderful Ocelot. Very TIGHT and punchy tonight, less overtly bluesy
than the St. Louis one a few days prior. But just as I say that, I might
as well delete what I just typed - Trey takes it down slow and
dirty, coaxing sweet nothings out of his Languedoc, one beautiful,
measured note at a time. No shredding yet - this is wonderful patience! The
band is having a ball behind him, slowly raising the intensity measure
by measure, while Trey still takes his sweet time enjoying this Ocelot
for all it's worth. He's making sweet love to this Ocelot (beastiality alert!!!)!!! By
6:30 though, Trey shifts gears into more usual Type I rager territory
and starts to shred it out, finally. By 8 minutes he's into full on Rock
God mode. Did I hear a friggin' sweep?! No it's not a 1997 Maze volcanic eruption, but I can't think of many other Ocelots that get this melty!!! A+ Ocelot!!!
Undermind - Ah yes, let's get the party started!!! Things go as normal until 5 minutes when the X Factor
kicks in. Trey introduces this kinda latin-style thing and the band
just goes off. It's not far from the usual Undermind motif, but it's
definitely something different and by 6:45 we are firmly
on some other plane. It's not like we went to outer space or have gone
into some crazy funk jam or something, but they have gone down some
rabbit-hole subtly that is just different enough to make you perk up and
go "oh hold on, what's this, this is unusual..."!!!! Trey is the main soloist for now, but everyone is "vamping" excellently. Love how audible Cactus is in tonight's mix. I can actually hear him for once! By 8:30 we are in the thick of some of the best Type 1.5-style playing I can remember. Everything
is clicking. Every note everyone is playing is "correct". There is
magic happening. This feels NATURAL, does that make any sense? There is
no sense of trying to force a jam here. This is the total opposite of
that Carini. Great "dual" soloing by Page and Trey around
9:30-10:30. Things are very blissful and major-key, but there is lots of
tension in the music. It's definitely building. Around 10:30
Trey jumps onto his Whammy pedal for some interesting textures. Page is
on the piano doing beautiful plonking and Fishman is doing rhythmic
cymbal fills out the wazoo. The boys are climbing. Steadily and swiftly! As
they slowly build ever-higher with each passing second, Trey starts
doing some of those Camden 99 Chalkdust sustained notes (you know what
I'm talking about) and we start almost getting Light vibes. Around 13
minutes spends about a minute doing some great trilling-style motifs.
Page joins in and Fishman gets in doing lots of snare rolls! By 14
minutes we have reached a goosebump-inducing, 1.0-style rock and roll
peak! If only they kept it going! My cheeks are tingling and the hair on
By this point it appears people have figured out the gag as they start yelling "F YOUR FACE! F YOUR FACE"
Runaway Jim - And if the greatest Undermind ever played wasn't enough, here we go into a 20 minute Runaway Jim. The boys waste no time getting down to business. The jamming begins around 5:30. Fishman
is going absolutely bananas, playing more in 30 seconds than Neil Peart
does in an entire Rush album! (That's a compliment to both! ) At
7 minutes, Page starts doing some piano noodling that acts as a
"signal" to lead the boys into another direction. And by 7:30 it's clear
that we are taking this Jim for a walk off the beaten path! A darker,
slightly funkier vibe starts to happen - almost a sped-up Twist kind of
feel. Lots Trey vamping and Fishman annihilating the cymbals. By 8:30,
ambient keys have crept in, but Fish and Trey start jamming
rhythmically, turning us more towards a Taste-type of feel. Actually, if they wanted to, this would've been a perfect chance to jump into that song!!
9:20 and Gordo latches onto Fishman for a repeating motif before Trey
takes back the spotlight for a spot of soloing. Things start getting
darkly nasty around 10 minutes, with Trey doing lots of sustained
feedback and guitar squealing, ala Fall '97. It's not that volcanic yet,
but we are definitely heading out there. And FAST. By
10:30 I'd say Runaway Jim is firmly a thing of the past and we are into
Type II for real (if we haven't been for several minutes already!!). At
11 minutes, a full on rhythmic funk jam happens, guided by pulsating
pounds from Page on the piano and Trey on the wah pedal. Unfortunately, as with Carini, this jam is very disjointed in a bad way and takes a while to coalesce. Finally at 12:30 on the dot, Page jumps to the clavinet and Fishman finally finds his new rhythm. Hot and tight, the boys do an awesome stop-and-start jam. We
spend quite a while at Page's House, with Trey content to let Leo lead
while he does the vamping. By 14 minutes the keys become very
"aquatic"-sounding and Trey messes with his delay a bit. Gordo comes
more to the fore and somehow we QUICKLY (and seamlessly!!!) shift into a
very ethereal-sounding vibe!!! Very late 1.0 vibes. By 14:45
Page returns to the piano and the "stomping" rhythm begins to build the
jam again slowly like in Undermind. Trey takes this time to jump back to
the front, throwing out those 1999 sustained notes again. By 16
minutes, the boys are back into a good "straight ahead" rhythm and Trey
is just carefully placing notes on top the explosive backing his
bandmates are providing. It's like Trey is in his bedroom, practicing over a backing track, taking his time with his playing. All throughout, Fishman is just annihilating the kit. By 17 minutes we've arrived in Blissful Peakville, smiles and sunshine included!!! The
bliss subsides a tad by 18 minutes but not completely. Trey has
reverted to rhythm "slashing" on his axe. Nobody is soloing really,
unless you count Trey's noodling over this ambient outro. God, the boys really loved their ambient outros in 2012 - someone compile me a mixtape of them, NOW! The jam winds it's way down less-than-perfectly. This
wasn't as "magical" as the Undermind and had more in common with
Carini, if anything, but I mean, a friggin' 20 minute Runaway Jim is
absolutely nothing to slouch at. Fantastic in every way, just not
"magical", so to speak.
Farmhouse - First cool down of the night and well deserved, I
must say! Terrific version of the song, check out the friggin' "Divided
Sky" sustained note Trey hold for like a minute straight. Killer. Also, Gordo is taking this friggin' Farmhouse out for a WALK. By 6 minutes, the song comes to an abrupt end. But
this is not just another Farmhouse outro. We go full Type II, 1999,
Whale-siren, outer-space!!! AND NOONE IN THE CROWD WILL SHUT THE F UP!
THE F UP!!! At 9 minutes, something that should never happen in
a "typical" Farmhouse happens. Out of the dark, jungly ambience we have
slowly drifted into, Trey starts doing some wah-infused playing around.
Have you ever heard the U2 song "Zooropa"?? Picture the intro of that song as played by Phish. Or something like that. What. But the drums never begin yet and we are just drifting slowly and tensefully through this dark swampy ambience. What. If this was any other show, I guaran-friggin'-tee the boys would've launched into 2001 at this point. But instead....
This was incredibly weird. The actual ambient jam wasn't anything
special musically, it was just ridiculous that they did it out of a
friggin' Farmhouse. I'm not trying to be a snarky hipster, but the
"trying too hard" vibes are shining through this one. But I mean, A++++
for effort and actually trying to so something awesome, so I can't fault
them. If there was ever an "unnatural" Phish show, this is it, so they
get a pass, ya know?
>Alaska - Out of that totally-out-of-left-field-and-not-really-great-but-must-hear-for-being-unique-Farmhouse-meltdown, we
head into Alaska. Probably the last song anyone wanted or expected at
this point (nothing against the song, just saying!). This Alaska is
great. It's basically Part 2 of that magical Ocelot we got earlier in
the show!!!! There's not much to say - it's Alaska, it kills like every
other version of Alaska, haha.
Chalkdust Torture - The song portion is absolute balls-to-the-wall-1996-fire-in-your-ears-insanity like we are back the the Clifford Ball. Headbanger's Paradise!!! At
7 minutes they guys hit upon an, i'm assuming, pre-planned transition
and launch us into the extended jam we are now expecting at this point
in the show. Uptempo and funky, great rhythm work on the cymbals
by Fishman. Trey is vamping it up again with Page while Gordo seems to
be trying to solo unsuccessfully.
Finally around 9 minutes he kicks on the effects to start jamming it
up, only for Trey to step all over him and take the solo spot instead,
haha. Poor Cactus, give him a hug, please! At 10 minutes Fishman returns to a more straight ahead rhythm and it almost sounds like we are going to go back into CDT proper, but instead Trey leans into the bliss and we start heading elsewhere. We have returned to the land of Sunshine and Daisies. Page
is playing nice background leads on the keys, Trey is soloing it up
sweetly and Fishman is still exploding behind the kit, haha. Around
12 minutes there is a PERFECT moment of synchronicity where EVERYBODY
hits upon a motif and "syncs up" in unison for a while! It's awesome!!!!
From here we just start peaking forever. Page sounds like he's trying to steer us in different directions at times, only to be "denied" by the others. Lots of building upon motifs at this point, just soaking it all in and vibing ourselves to the heavens. By 14 minutes, if you don't have a smile on your face from such major-key playing, well, I don't know what to tell you! By 14:30 Trey is vamping a nice little repeating rhythm figure again and the other guys start to build upon it again. This is like having Bob Weir as lead guitar instead of Jerry, lol. But
then just as I thought the guitar solo-proper had left the building,
Trey returns to the front and starts almost-dueling it out with Page. It
sounds like a peak of sorts starts to happen around 16:30 when Trey
starts a repeating descending lick. This signals a change in sound. Trey
starts playing with his delays and everyone gets a lot more aggressive
with their playing. Lots of "Star Wars Sound Effects" going on from
Trey! But Trey lets this fizzle out into the expected ambience
once more. Page is playing quietly on the keys and Fishman finally drops
out completely. A quick and unjust death for a monster in progress.....Great jamming but definitely felt like there was more to the "story"!
Emotional Rescue - In all seriousness, what did everyone friggin' expect? Esther at this point?! A GREAT choice of song to play that gets the party GOING again!!! It's only 6 minutes?!?! BOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY NO JAM!?!?!?! What was here was excellent!
>F Your Face - The F Your Face everyone was surely expecting at this point! And it destroys. As expected. What else is there to say?
Grind - Any other show and it wouldn't be noteworthy, but in context it's just hilarious they actually did this. They
friggin' played a set that spelled F YOUR FACE, followed by the song F
Your Face itself, followed by a song whose title alludes to oral sex,
followed by a song called....Meatstick. Like. Dude.
Meatstick - And of course, the one, the only. How could they NOT?! Meatstick is Meatstick. Perfect closer to the show.
All in all....I'd say this show mostly performed to my
expectations. For sheer BALLS and effort-taking, this is definitely
worth the high ratings. Musically, many of the jams felt forced (which I
mean, is expected, considering they needed to extend the sets) but they
certainly tried their darnedest.
In my opinion, here's the real shortlist for this gig:
You Enjoy Myself
Undermind (Jam of the show for me, bar none)
Of course the 20 minute Jim and CDT were nothing to slouch at,
obviously, but while the song portion of CDT felt like absolute
perfection, the jams in both felt they were having to work at the jams, so to speak, rather than them being super natural (does that make any sense? Am I just crazy?).
In conclusion, this show is legendary for a reason. If you just
shut up and listen without trying to over-analyze everything (like me),
this show will blow you to hell and back. As for being an "outlier" in
2012, I'd actually say, song lengths excepted, it's very representative
of the 2012 sound and style. Like most 2012 shows, every friggin song
ended with a damn minute or two of ambience that goes nowhere, the jams
consistently were full of energy but Trey still sounds very unsure of
himself at times (or he's trying purposefully to hold back), and while
the songs are played terrifically, the jams often were not as "natural"
as they need to feel yet.
These are not knocks, don't come hating. Just observations after playing through the year to this point.
So glad to have this one under my belt finally!
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Howdy folks! As the title says, welcome to my archive of live show reviews as I have posted on the Steve Hoffman Music Forums website! I pr...
Saturday, December 31, 2022
2012-08-31 Commerce City, CO - F Your Face
2012-08-29 Oklahoma City, OK
8/29/12 Oklahoma City
I'm genuinely excited to hear low-rated shows because I usually enjoy them better than most others
First off, the last show had the rarities, but this one looks straight
up Rock Show Bonanza, setlist-wise. For me, that's always a plus.
Let's see if this disappoints me or not, haha
Set 1
Kill Devil Falls - Love this song and I find it's not an opener
as often as I think it should be. A great pick to kick the doors wide
open and get us off to a rocking start!! Really great version that is
pretty lengthy and kicks all kinds of tail!
Rift - An absolutely killer, nearly flawless reading! The kind of Rift Phish in 2022 can only dream of, haha. A+ Rift!!! Seriously, the guys freaking NAIL this Rift to the board!!!
Wilson - Dude, the energy is off the charts!!!! This is like Pelham
all over again! Before this, Trey mentioned the guys specifically
wanted to play at this venue and the enthusiasm is palpable. Hot
Wilson's are a dime a dozen, but this one really shines. Absolute
>Backwards Down the Number Line - Yup, I'm calling that a segue!! And again another terrific version! Trey is ripping it up, hitting all the right notes, so to speak, really just making this one lift off. In reality, ok, there isn't anything special or memorable about it, but dag nabbit it's really freaking good!!!!
Moma Dance - KILLER! Yes, it's the same as every other recent Moma....that is....KILLER!!! Seriously,
like with Sand, it's almost impossible to find a Moma that isn't a
blast. C'mon now. It's such an easy tune to get going. Love the dynamics on this one. Lots of push-and-pull, back-and-forth, hot-and-cold....KILLER (did I say that already?)
Divided Sky - Alright! Let's goooooooooooo!!!!!!!! The boys (ahem, Trey) nail the song just like Rift. Sounds like they practiced to me!!! This Divided Sky is flawless. I
mean, wtf, how the hell does this show have a 2.8 rating?! It's
terrific so far! And this Divided Sky is kicking all kinds of ass!!!!!!
A+ Divided Sky!!!!!!!!!
>Wolfman's Brother - As with Moma, Number Line and Wilson,
there isn't anything special really about this one, it just is loaded
with that extra X Factor energy that propels a good version to being a
great version! Everyone is in sync and the whole place is together as
one! Fantastic Type I perfection!!! Listen to the boys just RAGE!!!
>Axilla - "1, 2!" AND LETS FREAKING GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! *commence extreme headbanging* Holy hell what a transition that was!
>46 Days - Trey moves us out of a destructive Axilla into a world-destroying 46 Days! What the F is this set. This is not the same show everyone else listened to. This show is BONKERS.
Ya Mar - Damn, 66 minutes straight without a break until now. Great
version! Play it, Leo!!!!!!! Wonderful Page soloing. Super slinky and
fantastic soloing from Trey. Total party on this one, yo. Terrific.
Stealing Time From the Faulty Plan - As with Axilla, we basically LAUNCH right into this sucker. That intro is like BAM! And Trey is absolutely ripping it up as expected, yo. Guitar destruction galore. This sucker is downright NASTY and destructive. Holy hell.
All in all....yea, where the F to begin. This set took me by the head,
smashed me repeatedly into the wall and then knee-kicked me in the face
over and over and over again. The boys wanted to ROCK tonight and holy
freaking mother of Icculus DID THEY EVER! WHAT IN THE EVER LOVING F!!???
Merry Christmas everyone!
On to set 2 of 8/29/12 Oklahoma City
Set 2:
Down With Disease - Remember the days when DWD still had FIRE to it?? Yea, this is another one of those good ones! 13 minutes, to boot. As expected, it absolutely RAGES.
Around 7 minutes we get the first hints of an emerging jam. Page jumps
on the organ and starts doing some sustained chords while Trey starts
doing delay "slashes". And we are off!! By 8 minutes, Page has
introduced minor key chords and Trey is now doing some Whammy pedal
picking around. Fishman is Mr. Fills today and Gordo gets it
going with some cool, watery effects. Everyone is locked in and things
are jamming great!!! Full steam ahead! Around 10 minutes the mood starts
to brighten a little bit. Trey starts doing some wah pedal "trilling"
motifs and Page jumps off the organ and back to the keys. Things are
looking up and the sun is now shining through the clouds. We are heading
for Blissville.
By 12 minutes things have cooled off significantly and the ambience is
fast approaching. Heavenly bliss jamming. Nice keyboard washes, cymbal
washes, Trey sustaining notes, etc. You know the deal. The jam is slowly
but surely moving to other waters. At 12:30 Gordo introduces a bass
rhythm - sounds like he maybe wants to launch into Reggae Woman? But
instead Trey does a "1,2" and we are freaking OFF THE FRIGGIN' RACES.....
Birds of a Feather - DAMN! Talk about a 1-2 punch!!! It's
short and sweet, not even reaching 5 minutes. But holy crap the ENERGY
we love is hear in spades. Just pouring molten rock and roll fire
directly into our ear canals!!!! Face melting, yo
>My Friend My Friend - An unexpected segue but a segue
nonetheless! Great version, it spirals to the depths of black hole hell
>Rock and Roll - Another unexpected segue that worked way better than it had any right to! The
boys are LOCKED IN - there was no pause at all between the two and they
IMMEDIATELY switched songs. Preplanned? Maybe?? AND THIS RnR KICKS
SERIOUSLY - You guys have heard the Big Cypress DWD, right? Ok, picture that condensed to 9 minutes. THIS ROCK AND ROLL IS MAGICAL. YES. I SAID MAGICAL. LONG BEACH ROCK AND ROLL AINT GOT NOTHING ON THIS ONE!
What in the F.
>Twist - And
of course the ambience dissolves into everyone's favorite "what should
we follow that jam with" song as of late....Right away at 2:45 they turn
the corner from the song to the jam. Starting with jazzy Type I as
usual, Page and Trey are playing very much together, echoing phrases in
sync. But then they "drift" apart and start their soloing again.
Right around 4:30 things turn again towards ambience. But this time the
boys actually enjoy it for a few minutes instead of it immediately
signaling a song change!!! Beautiful Type II ambient bliss!!!! Sounds
great to have Page on the piano once again playing "along" with Trey's
phrases. The boys are keeping it slow and steady, just floating on that
velvet sea, baby! Absolutely gorgeous!!!!! Trey sounds
like's ready to move on a few times but keeps deciding against it.
Slowly the ambience gets more and more, well...ambient. By 7 minutes
Trey is just holding extended sustained notes and hints of darkness are
approaching the fringes of the music. But at 7:27 the jam comes to a perfect natural closing and Trey leads us straight back to the Twist theme! Absolutely terrific A+ "micro" jam!!!!!
>If I Could - AND
absolutely beautiful. Way to go guys. My mind is just blown right now.
Holy $#!T
>Light - Well,
I guess the guys came to melt our faces tonight! If I Could ends and
IMMEDIATELY Trey launches into one of the most rocked-up Lights this
side of your favorite Axilla!! Let's freaking GO! This Light is EXPLODING! If Light was played by 1.0 in, say, 1997, this is maybe what it would sound like. THAT'S how rocked up this one is!!!!!!!!! FANTASTIC!!! Around 6 minutes, we are still Type I, but things are getting slightly demented and are sliding sideways....By
7 minutes Page and Trey are doing the playing-together thing again and
we have firmly entered Type II. The tempo and energy is scalding hot.
Repeated phrases from Trey's delay, but this is like sizzling steam
ready to explode at any moment. Absolutely beautiful as well -
underlying ambience beneath the Fishman rhythm-keeping. By 8:30 we reach
the all-too-familiar ambient outro. Dang it!!! At least this wasn't a
ripcord - the jam "died" a natural death and the segue out of it was
perfect. But what was here is one of the best Light's everyone has
forgotten about!! DONT MISS IT!!!!
>Harry Hood - Freakin' on point with those segues!!! The boys nail the composed section and it's wonderful hearing the whole audience sing the "Thank you, Mr. Miner"!!!! @Harry Hood
what do you think of this one? This Hood is absolutely terrific!!! I
swear, by the time of the concluding refrains it felt like it was
approaching magic if only they had kept it going longer....
>Suzy Greenberg - OFF TO PAGE'S HOUSE WE GO!!!!!!!
Slave to the Traffic Light - They play at a Zoo, so naturally we get a Slave.
And as with the rest of this set, it is imbedded with Rock and Roll X
Factor Magic. Just a top notch, absolutely slaying Slave.
Loving Cup - In
it's usual show-closer spot, my favorites Stones song and favorite
Phish cover. This one, as with the rest of this show, has extra
enthusiasm and energy out the wazoo! This could easily go on a best-ever
list for versions of this song!! It's just stupidly perfectly excellent!!!! ITS A FRIGGIN PARTY!
And with that, boys and girls, I arrive at Dick's.
This show was absolutely bat-crap incredible. This felt like Pelham
part 2. EVERYTHING was an A+++ version, everything was SUPER high
quality, no flubs to be found, energy and enthusiasm ABOUND. People
rating this over on .NET are DEAF! I will meet any of them in a back
alley and teach them with my fists just how wrong they are about this
absolutely destructively incredible show!!!
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