8/15/24 Dover
Set 1
The show opens with a spectacular Moma Dance. 13+ minutes and very
exploratory, featuring several different sections. Not quite type 2, but
definitely far into type 1.5, if you will. Wow!! Definitely must hear!!!
After a ripping BOTT, we a get a surprise 20 minute Wolfman!!!
Longest Wolfman since 2009, no??!! This one goes deep into Type 2 and
quickly at that. X Factor Magic all the way, this is MUST HEAR;!!!
Terrific version, although maybe a little too "in the box", but thats
nitpicking. Essential listening!
Next up we get a smokeshow Funky B followed by a stellar Roggae. Grab both!!!
Nevermind, forget those!!!
After a super fun NICU, we get a 15 minute, full blown type 2, NUCLEAR BOMB Wave of Hope! Now
THIS was the best version since Mexico! Absolutely extraordinary, this
is a damn 100/10 for me. Holy mother of Jesus this Wave is a rampaging
The following 15 minute Sand is nearly as impressive. Very different
from the Bethel masterpiece, this version is very laid back and groovy.
Trey is just playing with his whale siren and loops, doing textural
stuff while Gordo and Page do the heavy lifting. Then in the last part
Page begins a motif that Trey slowly builds upon. They take several
minutes slowly building to an incredible, face melting, world crushing
climax peak. Incredible!!!
All in all, set 1 was a massive success!! Not a single low point
and EVERYTHING had energy out the wazoo. Moma, Wolf, Wave and Sand are
all X Factor must hear version up with the finest music of 2024.
And the rest just plain kicked butt
Set 2
The 2nd set opens with...wait for it.....a 25 friggin minute WGTYM. Yup!! And it is sick!!! Multiple sections and energy out the wazoo. Definitely must hear. However, I gotta say, I think im gonna kill Fishman. There
were MULTIPLE times where the jam was begging to stretch and move but
Fish kept on denying any tempo/rhythm changes. It was maddening!!! Someone take away that damn ride cymbal so he stops the never ending barage of "ratatatat"!!!! Im so sick of it!!
Change the tempo! Play with the beat! ANYTHING but that damn ride/snare
combo!!! Im so sick of jams being "stuck" because he wont play something
Vent over, we do get an incredible and massive peak finale that is worth
waiting for, but just as it is moving into legit type 2 strangeness
afterwards, Trey moves us into a lukewarm yet still pretty exploratory
Chalkdust. Great stuff, but needed more heat!!
And perfectly out of the Chalkdust we slide into Light. Light is utterly
RIDICULOUS, spendin most of its jam totally deconstructing itself into a
dark and menacing robot vortex hellscape. Like, how?! That was LIGHT! Not "Dark"!!!! Must hear!!!!!
And the hits keep coming with a 15 minute Caspian. The song has been on
an utter tear since 2023 and this one, honest to god, might just be the
best. May all behold the glory and majesty that is KING CASPIAN!!!!! Raging
hotter than the sun exploding in THE peak of the night, only to drop
into a legit funky type 2 for a while just to build back out to a close.
X Factor Magic times 20. Hear at all costs!!!
And just when the set seems done, they LAUNCH like whiplash into my new
contender for hottest Crosseyed ever played (just keep getting
hotter!!!!!). Complete and total destruction of the nuclear variety. Do
NOT miss this!
After a much needed Lonely Trip to cool us down, another banger closes
the set. A 15 minute (timing of the night!) smashes us hard, all
majestically triumphant. Truly an excellent reading, in the wake of what
surrounds it, maybe its not must hear, but it is EXCELLENT regardless.
Great encore of a ripping Possum into a terrific and measured Slave. Not
much to say - this is a GREAT one. Throw this in the must hear pile!
All in all, holy mother of OVERKILL!!! This show and set was
almost TOO MUCH!!! Possibly dethroning Bethel #1 from its lofty perch,
this show is definitely a monster classic of a gig.
There was a TON of jamming! Nearly every song seemed to get an extended treatment!!!
For set 2, obviously the WGTYM into Chalkdust are must hear (I
definitely need more time with those - they were great but irritated me
at times...) and the Light and Caspian are both essential as well. And
that Slave, yo....
Monster gig all around.And that Wave in set one really is THAT amazing. What a day we live in where the mega jam is actually one of the "weakest" of the whole show!! Hot damn!!
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