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 Howdy folks! As the title says, welcome to my archive of live show reviews as I have posted on the Steve Hoffman Music Forums website! I pr...

Sunday, November 14, 2021

2018-11-01 Las Vegas, NV

Everything's Right - I love the song but not my preferred opener. I can't complaint though as this gets very funky and Steam-esque. Nice jamming, great opener!

AC/DC Bag - Wonderful version! Just a super tight, correct tempo, rocking version. Always great to hear!!!

Wolfman's Brother - I love this song. It's just so simple and FUN. And this version is just terrific if you're dig WB. Total fun. If I was in the crowd I'd be dancing my tail off, lets put it like that. Not an all-timer but ultra fun and worth hearing :)


Absolutely terrific first set, imo. FOUR jams over the 12 minute mark, good song selection, tons of energy, nice pacing.

Picking up from above...

Nellie Kane - is Nellie Kane :p 

Funky B - is Funky B. Slayed as usual 

Chalkdust Torture - A BEAST!!!!!!!!!!! 16 minutes. Type II, multi-sectional jamming of the highest order. Must-hear! 

I Been Around - Fun to hear, very rare (in Charleston '19 I got only the 7th ever played!)

Joy - Well placed in the set, imo. Very good version, comparable to the gorgeous Farmhouse on 10/24/18!!! 

Walls Of The Cave - You know what to expect. Still, it destroyed universes and left me in a melted puddle on the floor. DAYNG SUN!


The greatness continues in set 2!

Blaze On - still think the song is dumb, but the jam here is great. It does that whole 2018 "minimalist" thing where they don't adventure too much but do just enough to call it Type II and make it worth hearing :p A real dance party this one is!!!

No Men In No Man's Land - See Walls Of The Cave^^^^

Fuego - It's Fuego and you know what you gonna get. Still, for the last few minutes we enter Type II dark space. They easily could've jammed it to oblivion from there but instead we go into Twist

Twist - I'm not the biggest Twist fan (I think the song itself is pretty boring) but one can't deny it as a jam vehicle. Great stuff in this one! They waste no time at all getting down to business. Around 5 minutes in they go from jazzy Type I into totally-abandoning-the-theme Type II. It actually gets kinda Beatle-y sounding for a bit in the jam. Kinda upbeat-melancholy. Like a Piper intro or something. Very cool. This eventually gets a little darker and Trey starts slowly building up his guitar prowess. We get some good 2000-esque semi ambiance. Piano replaced by keys, funky bass, Trey doing guitar loops etc. Go check this out ITS AWESOME!

Wow, Twist was definitely the jam of the night so far, imo.

Twist>Prince Caspian>Twist reprisal

Prince Caspian was barely a proper rendition of it, imo. They kinda just launched into the choruses and immediately jumped back into the jam :p It was such a brief departure I choose to view it as part of Twist, lolol

Then a nice Bouncing Around the Room to catch our breath.

Now Harry Hood. Harry (We Have Come To Outlive Our Brains) Hood. Man oh man that woulda been sick if they took the plunge and went into the song. They straight up jammed it for almost 2 minutes. 

Contact - One of my least favorite songs. And even THIS is terrific tonight! Check out the KICK ASS piano raging from Leo! 

Rise/Come Together - Not my favorite song, but this is so stupendously placed tonight I can't fault it at all. Come on, for real, go listen to this. It's the PERFECT closer for this show. I just wish it was longer.

This show was outstanding! I think I might even prefer it to 10/31!!!!!!   


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