12 31 24 New York
Set 1
Terrific opening to the final night when we get a KILLER
Mikes>Bouncing>Groove!!! Mikes is easily the best one of the year,
im pretty sure. This one BLAZES hotter than the sun,
loaded with energy. Trey just annihilating everything in sight....
Seriously, this is a MUST HEAR version!!!!
Bouncing is the surprise replacement for Hydrogen tonight and it actually works really great!! Good stuff!
Then they launch into Paug. No staleness with this one, its easily on
the same level as Mikes Song was. Just BLAZING on all fronts. Yea, must
hear for sure.
Up next is Stash. This is a REALLY GOOD version. I dont know if its must
hear, but as far as type 1 Stashes are concerned in 2024, this was an
A+. Again, the ENERGY is just exploding throughout with this one!!!
What is, again, must hear however is Evolve. Add this to the shortlist of best ever readings. Just soooo joyous and full of energy and enthusiasm. Really, truly, you need this one.
And then here comes Llama!!! Lets go!!!! Definitely must hear!! Even by Llama standards this one is nuclear!!!! Wow!!! Look out, the llama is on the loose!!!
In another refreshing setlist shakeup, we get a 12 minute Melt up next.
Its gnarly, nasty and oh so noisy. Its good but I wouldnt call it
anything particularly special.
Numberline is up next. Like Melt, it rages hard but doesnt really "transcend" either. A great version but nothing special
The fire continues with a 7 minute Carini. Shortest version since ....????? However, do not be deterred, as this things is a nuclear friggin bomb!!! Holy mother of crap, someone call FEMA! MSG is friggin destroyed!!!! Trey, what have you done?!
Finally, the set comes to a close with The Squirming Coil. Coil is
slightly shakey from Trey but all around still an excellent reading. And
of course that piano outro into set break is always a gosh darn
beautiful thing....
All in all, this was a really good set all around! Super high
energy, they are PUMPED UP! The Mikes Groove and Carini are must hear,
as is the Evolve. The rest is excellent and rocking (special shoutout to
Stash!) and just so enjoyable all around.
It definitely wipes the floor with set 1 of 12/31/23, I tell you what!!!
Set 2
Very nice Sigma opener tonight. See Numberline. Great stuff but nothing special.
And then they bust out Big Guns McGee with a smashing 20 minute My Friend. How many extended readings of the song is that now - 6 or 7?! Who
would have ever thought MyFe would become a serious jam vehicle?! This
version is a dang journey. Rocking along as usual, somewhere around 12
minutes Page lays a bedwork of dark outer space synths. Everyone else
syncs up and just rides the wave, vamping and grooving atop it. Things
enter a "quiet funk" zone. Trey is playing softly, picking his spots.
The synth is "wooing" in and out like in "Cheap Sunglasses"....this is sick. Space funk MyFe. This slowly builds and builds hotter and they rock it out to a conclusion. That was AWESOME!! Id personally say I think that was 2nd best of the year behind Bethel. Must hear!!
Sand follows suit. Another MUST HEAR rendition, this one feels like a
refined version of the Dicks version. Super groovy and laid back, whale
siren and loopers, etc. Then a slow build to an explosive finale.
Absolutely must hear!!
The fun continues with Golden Age>WTU. A perfect combo tonight, GA
spends its entirety in a true, spacey kind of ambient dark jam. Full on
type 2. And its fantastic. The segue into is so prfect. Grab this pair
for sure!!!
Taste is another phenomenal recent version. Must hear. Not much to say!
With that, a sloppy Golgi and a standard hot First Tube close the set.
All in all, this set was awesome!! The entire stretch of Myfe
through Taste is MUST HEAR. For a New Year's show they sure as hell
brought the goods! Fantastic!!!
Set 3
A raging Character Zero opens set 3. Surprisingly, id call this a must hear!! It is SO extra!! Fantastic!!
We all know whats up - the whole 30 minute Pillow Jets into WGTYM EDM
dance extravaganza. I am a big fan of this - I definitely think they
pulled it off and I cant imagine how insane it all was in person, good
Now, all that being said, the evil that is Vance Powell strikes
once again. The sound mix of the show started ok and has only gotten
WORSE as its gone on!!!! Set 3 sounds worse than Mexico 2023, almost!!!
Everything is BURIED in room ambience, holy hell. This sounds AWFUL.
Almost as bad as Albany #1.....
With that off my chest, lets continue, shall we? So WGTYM comes to a
close with an AWESOME segue into Chalkdust. Dust is a terrific and tight
type 1 reading. Total headbanger supreme. Trey axes the budding jam and
we move into Slave.
Im mixed on this Slave. Most of it feels very "boring average modern
Slave", but things finally click near the end and it has a spectacular
peak conclusion section. Give this a listen but for my taste this isnt
Just when you think its all over at last, they launch into a spectacular
Life Saving Gun. Bringing back memories of the Sphere version, this one
is pretty excellently "jammed out", if you will. Wonderful interplay
back and forth between Trey and Page on this one. Id say this is must
hear - it simply annihilates and definitely stretches well outside of
your typical all type 1 reading. KILLER.
The set proper concludes with a typically blazing SANTOS. Awesome.
Inspired encore of Grind, the Icculus they didnt play last year ( ) and of course Tweeprie to tie a knot on it all.
Wow, what a show!!! Musically this has to be one of the most
"legit" New Years shows they have done. The first set did not feel like
the usual warmup and set 2 legitimately went hard and deep. And of
course set 3 is a glorious clusterF of just craziness....
Man, nights 2, 3 AND 4 were all AWESOME shows!!!! Great run overall!!!
Compilation compiling time for me...
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