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 Howdy folks! As the title says, welcome to my archive of live show reviews as I have posted on the Steve Hoffman Music Forums website! I pr...

Sunday, March 9, 2025

2022-04-22 New York City, NY

 4 22 22 New York

Set 1

The show opens with a lengtht 16+ minute Everythings Right. The jam takes a long time to get going, feeling aimless and meandering for a while. Eventually it all clicks and Trey explodes into a wonderful, Reba style, trill fest of a solo. From there the jam slowly dissolves into stuttering quasi-ambience and slowly faaaddddeeeessss out to a close sounding just like something straight out of Summer 1999. #thehazeisreal Overall I would definitely label this must hear. A really fantastic reading once it gets going.

The following Tube, while not must hear, is still terrific. Just total funk annihilation for 9 minutes. Wonderful!

Aside from a wnderful Trey solo, 555 is plodding and boring. You can safely skip it if you want. BOTT is way better. Nothing essential but its a typically killer type 1 reading.

Thankfully everything comes together on the following Army of One. Borderline must hear, they kill it. The backing vocals, Treys bluesy soloing...its all great. Definitely worth a listen!

A lengthy 10 minute Axilla 2 follows to kick things back into high gear. The song itself is just unhinged in the best way. The jam is certainly unique, developing a very eery laid back feel. Vocal scatting and a definite 1999-style haze to it once again. Total X Factor on this. This is definitely must hear!!!

Gin is terrific tonight. Very bluesy and rhythmic yet also tropical with a great peak. Hard to describe but definitely unique and must hear!!!

Standard SANTOS to close.

All in all, this was a real good set, if not my personal favorite. Id say ER, Axilla and Gin are true must hears with shoutoutd to Army and Tube. Great stuff but nothing super "impressive" at the same time for the most part. 

Set 2

A giant 22 minute SYSF kicks off set 2. Real good straight ahead version that unfortunately never breaks free, finding itself stuck in "extended type 1". Whats here is really enjoyable but for 22 minutes this thing is definitely underwhelming. Enjoyable version but not must hear, imo.

And into a 16 minute Light we go! Light is way better, imo. It also stays "extended type 1", but the X Factor inspiration shines brightly and Machine Gun Trey comes out to play. A spectacular version, definitely must hear!

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of the "surely worst version ever played" Fuego that follows. It falls apart before it begins, never coalescing. The jam even comes to a dead stop before they FORCE themselves on into janky and awkward space jamming. This is terrible. Yuck!!

They try to save it wiu WTU which I will admit flowed great out of that Fuego "jam". After this enjoyable but average WTU they finish the set with a GREAT Numberline. Not essential, but it's definitely really good.

All in all, this set really disappointed me and felt like a chore to get through. SYSF was enjoyable if uninspired and way to "do nothing" for its epic length and of course Fuego was a disaster of epic proportions that left WTU to shakily pick up the pieces. Light was terrific and must hear and Numberline was good.

Im really not sure what to think of the show at this point but im definitely underwhelmed. 


Set 3

An excellent robo wah laden Free kicks open the door for set 3 followed quickly by a fiery Wave. Both are hot type 1 readings, neither must hear, but definitely a shot in the arm. The energy is noticeably higher than the rest of the show so far and this goes a long way. They actually sounded HOT on these two, something lacking the rest of the show prior. Great stuff.

Waves and Sand are both exceptional readings tonight. Waves is just magical, seeing Trey do full on whale siren jamming trying to sing to the flying drone whale, lol. And Sand is just a tour de force, equal parts exceptionally funky, powerful and rocking with copious amounts of Trey hose peakage included.
Both are de MUST HEAR!!!

And then a 12 minute Melt, complete with seaweed I have heard, comes along to close the set. Played great but the jam doesn't do anything for me at all. Im sure this is way more satisfying when viewed rather than simply heard.

Its Ice is the surprise encore. I know about the screen freeze but, thematic, how does this tie in with the rest?? Ice is water?? Waves and Sand? Something like that?? Good version but I really dont like it as an encore lol.

All in all, set 3 was the best of the bunch, imo. Obviously constructed, it had great flow that the others struggled with and the most energy of maybe the entire run so far!! Waves and Sand are easy must hears and of course we all should watch this spectacle!!!

Taken as a whole, the show probably deserves the 4.5 it has on . NET. Based strictly on the music itself, I think its more akin to a 3.9 or a solid 4.0, imo. There were 6 or 7 genuine must hear tunes, but there was also a good amount of "unfulfilling" jamming, that Fuego disaster, the up and down quality of set 1...

In no way is this a poor show at all, its just that the majority of it did not "blow me away" either. A lot of it was really enjoyable but also underwhelming overall, if that makes sense.

What I mean by that ....Mexico 2022 #3 is still the best show of 2022 to this point. And by a pretty wide margin, at that.



Another viewpoint on that Fuego thanks to a .NET review. Sometimes being able to SEE a show can definitely alter an opinion drastically!!!:

I'd like to elaborate on another reviewer's post that mentioned a perhaps confused or rusty start to Fuego. That's not how I perceived it. It was actually a hysterically funny and frankly heart-warming musical moment between four really close friends. After blistering jamming that seemed to go on for an hour with Set Your Soul Free and Light, the breakneck pace finally started to wind down into cool ambient space. Just then the camera happens to cut to behind Fish, who takes the opportunity of this tiny reprieve to play with one hand while turning about a liter of water straight up and chugging the whole thing. Although we viewers at home see this, Trey does not and he begins the notes to Fuego - a beast of a drumming song. They all then realize that poor Fish is gassed (his is the most physically demanding part of the music, after all) but they've begun the song.... So they kinda do a slower, more stretched out intro to let Fish catch his breath. By now Page and Trey are laughing their asses off. Eventually, Fish starts dropping fast little drum fills, as if to say, "Alright you ****ers, I'm ready!!" And then off they go into Fuego. A little moment of empathy for their man behind the kit. I was howling and crying at the same time. What a joy it was to see these guys back on stage with one another, doing the thing that they enjoy most in the world. I shed more than one tear last night and it felt good 

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